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Things you must have with you when driving in Spain
All foreign
vehicles must have or carry the following items:
- International
insurance, normally in the form of a Green card
(A Green card is
recommended but not compulsory for
vehicles from other EU countries. Within the EU, any vehicle insurance
policy automatically includes third
party cover throughout the European Union).
- European union driving
licence (or Swiss,
Norwegian or Croatian); for drivers from other countries, an international driving permit (IDP)
may be required, particularly if the national licence is not in Spanish
or English .
- Two
hazard warning triangles
to be used in the event of immobilization of
the vehicle at the roadside.
- A
waistcoat for driver and each passenger, to
be put on in the event of breakdown or
- Front
and rear seatbelts,
that must be used.
- For
right-hand drive cars (from Britain or Ireland), headlamp converter
- If you need
for driving, you must carry a spare pair in the glove
And note that.....
- Use of mobile
phones while
driving is strictly forbidden (except fully hands-free units)
- Children
up to 12 years
old must travel in the back of the car.
has perhaps
the best domestic transport infrastructure of any country in Europe...
and thanks to Europe. Since Spain joined the European Union, it has
benefited from major development funds to help transform its
isolated and impoverished regions into part of the modern Europe.
Spain today is a country where
beautifully built and surfaced roads criss-cross
the land, reaching into some of its deepest corners. And the
greatest joy is that very often, other than in the densely populated
areas round Madrid and on the coast, there is little or no traffic on

Furthermore it is possible to drive "off the
beaten track" even between cities. Over the last half century, many
main Spanish roads have been upgraded not just once, but twice or three
times. And unlike in more populated countries, where upgrading means
improving the existing road, the Spanish solution has often just been
to build a new road near the old one. Consequently, on some routes,
there are actually three parallel roads, the historic route, the
post-Franco new road, and the more recent "autovia" divided highway.
Where - as in most cases - the autovia is free, that leaves the old
main road as empty as the most minor of minor cross country roads. Just
occasionally, old main roads have been downgraded and /or equipped, as
in France, with speed bumps and other devices - notably at the entrance
to small towns; but generally speaking this is not the case.
On cross-country routes, those that are not part
of the national highway network designated as "N" roads, traffic in
most parts of Spain is very light. The majority of
minor roads, those linking villages and small towns, are very well
built and modernised, even when they serve no more than a few hundred
vehicles a day. And signposting on Spanish roads is generally excellent.
Motorways in Spain come into two categores;
the busy to very busy ones - often toll roads - most of them radiating
from Madrid,
and along the Mediterranean coast: and the others, most of them
carrying only light traffic. Nearly all of these are free.
Generally speaking - though there are exceptions -
Spain's toll motorways - known officially as Autopistas - are
designated by the letters AP, as in AP8. Spain's free motorways,
usually known
as Autovias, are generally designated by the letter A, as in A66.
Around Madrid, the system is different, and complex. Madrid is a maze
of motorways, with in addition to the A motorways M motorways (for
Madrid) and R motorways (for Radial). Motorways M30, M40, M45 and M50
are the main orbital routes round Madrid. M50, the outermost, runs 80%
of the way round Madrid, and connects all the main national A
motorways, from A1 to A6. The missing section is the northwest, from
the A1 to the A6 - for which the A40 should be used. Orbital M
motorways are free, the radial R motorways are toll roads.
For an
overview of Spain's motorways, see
motorway map
Click here for a
from Bayonne (France) to the South of Spain.
Travelling via Bayonne (sw France) and
Navarre rather than
by Perpignan and
Barcelona is actually shorter for most destinations south of
and autopistas
distinguishes autovias from autopistas ? Frankly, very little....
except for the tolls on some of the Autopistas, those with a number
starting AP. Otherwise there is very little difference.
Most but not all
have numbers starting with A, for instance the
which runs from Madrid to Valencia. But some, those built by the
regions, not by the Spanish national highways agency, are numbered
differently. Catalonia's
for instance (photo top of page) , linking Girona and Lleida,
is as good a motorway as any, even if many maps do not mark it as such.
Where toll autopistas and non-toll autovias offer alternative routes
between two points, trucks usually take the free autovia leaving the
autopista for those in a hurry and those happy to pay the tolls. But
for itineraries where there is no autopista, HGV (truck) traffic uses
the autovias when available. However, it's worth noting that
most autovias, except those on the Mediterranean coast and close to
Madrid, truck traffic is light to very light, compared to motorways in
the UK, Germany or the Netherlands.
Autovias tend not to have
many dedicated service areas. Instead, they have plenty of exits with
off-highway garages or service stations, restaurants and sometimes
hotels or hostals. These are clearly announced in advance of the exit.
tolls in Spain:
The situation regarding toll motorways in Spain
evolving. In 2021 tolls were abolished on much of the AP7 Mediterranean
motorway, but they may return.
For the time being, tolls must be paid
on about
20% of
the motorway network; the rest is free.
Spanish toll motorways are relatively expensive:
for instance, tolls on the Mediterranean motorway between the French
border at Le Perthus and Valencia - a distance of 500 km. mostly on the
AP7 - used to cost almost 45 €uros for a car.
tolls on the
Spanish AP7
Mediterranean motorway
in Andalucia, most
of this route is now free... There is no longer any advantage in taking
the free parallel A7 motorway,
where it exists, and the old N340 national route
On the other hand, traffic moving southwest from
the French border on the Atlantic coast at Irun (near Biarritz) can
both avoid
most of the tolls
take a shorter route between San Sebastian and
Vitoria, by using the N1 and A1 autovia, rather than the AP8 and AP1
tolls on the
Spanish AP1
motorway - to the south via Madrid
after entering Spain, it makes little sense to avoid the couple of
Euros of tolls on the 20 or so km. between the border and San
Sebastian. The AP1 / AP8 round San Sebastian is free anyway. Leave it
however at exit 24, onto the N1 / A1 (dual carriageway - divided
highway), following signs for Tolosa and Vitoria. Continue past Vitoria
as far as Miranda de Ebro, where the A1 becomes the toll AP1. Do not
take the AP1, but continue on the old N1 as far as Burgos. It's an easy
road. Just before Burgos, join the A1 again, following signs for A1 -
Madrid. Give Madrid a wide berth, using the M50 outer orbital route to
the east, following signs for the M50, A2 and A3 (take this for the
coast between Valencia and Cartagena) until signs for the "A4
Cordoba" are shown (not the R4 Cordoba, which is a toll road).
The same goes for traffic heading for
Saragossa and Madrid,
Barcelona. Leave the AP7 (which is free round Barcelona)
at exit 26,
and follow the free A2 as far as Fraga, after Lleida.
The best advice is to use a satnav or a good post
2010 map -
which should remain fairly up-to-date until at least 2020, since on the
one hand Spain's strategic motorway-building plan is now largely
complete, and on the other hand the economic crisis has put paid to any
more projects for the time being.
On sections of intercity toll motorway, the
normal system is to take a ticket when you enter the toll section, and
pay when you leave. On shorter sections of toll motorway, toll booths
come at strategic points on the motorway, and there is a small fixed
toll for using the section. Payment can be made in cash in
€uros, or by credit card. Credit card lanes at toll points are
shown by
a credit card logo, and sometimes the word "tarjetas".
Speed limits in Spain
The normal speed limits are as follows:
- Motorways
(autovias and autopistas) : 120 km/h
- Main
roads : 80 km/h, 90 km/h or 100 km/h as indicated
- Built-up
areas : 50 km/h or 70 km/h as indicated
Speed traps:
There are now plenty of speed traps, or radars, on main roads
in Spain, and police can and do issue on-the-spot fines. Advance
warning of speed traps tends to be given, and the speed cameras are
sometimes painted in fluorescent yellow, with the speed limit painted
on them; but this is not always the case. Speed cameras are uncommon on
minor roads in Spain.